Ligypterus fuscus


A typical verse of L. fuscus calling song is a short, irregular chirp made of discrete sound syllables (mean syllable number± SD = 30± 2) (Fig. 30a, Table 1). It typically begins by a group of 1-2 syllables and is accelerated at the end. The syllable duration is almost constant (8±1ms), whereas the syllable period is highly variable (19± 8ms). Mean fundamental frequency of the song is 6.0-6.3 kHz (Fig. 30b), with no significant difference between the whole chirps and single syllables. [1]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith