
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
F. WHITE1877[Letters to Editor]
Riede1987A Comparative Study of Mating Behaviour in Some Neotropical Grasshoppers (Acridoidea)
Yager, Cook, Pearson, Spangler2000A comparative study of ultrasound-triggered behaviour in tiger beetles (Cicindelidae)
Shaw1999A nested analysis of song groups and species boundaries in the Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala.
Michelsen, Rohrseitz, Heller, Stumpner1994A new biophysical method to determine the gain of the acoustic trachea in bushcrickets
Cordero, Llorente, Aparicio2007A new cricket (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) for Castilla-La Mancha and the Iberian Peninsula
Bennet-Clark1970A new French mole cricket, differing in song and morphology from Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa L. (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae)
Hemp, Ingrisch, Heller2017A new genus and other new species of Agraeciini from the Eastern Arc Mountains, East Africa (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae; Conocephalinae; Agraeciini)
Hemp, Heller, Warchałowska-Śliwa, Hemp2010A new genus and species of African Phaneropterinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), with data on its ecology, bioacoustics and chromosomes
Hemp, Voje, Heller, Warchałowska-Śliwa, Hemp2010A new genus of African Acrometopini (Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) based on morphology, chromosomes, acoustics, distribution, and molecular data, and the description of a new species
Hemp, KEHL, Heller, Wägele, Hemp2010A new genus of African Karniellina (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Conocephalinae, Conocephalini): integrating morphological, molecular and bioacoustical data
Marshall, Hill2017A new Neotibicen cicada subspecies (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from the southeastern USA forms hybrid zones with a widespread relative despite a divergent male calling song
Walker2014A New North American Species of Bucrates (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae: Copiphorini)
2018A new species and a new record of genus Hexacentrus Serville, 1831 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Hexacentrinae) from India
Otte, Hennig1998A New Species of Damaracheta from South Africa
Iorgu, Iorgu2010A new species of Isophya (Orthoptera: Phaneropteridae) from the Romanian Carpathian Mountains A new species of
TAN, GOROCHOV, Baroga-Barbecho, YAP2019A new species of Landrevinae (Orthoptera) from the Philippines, with notes on Endodrelanva and Endolandrevus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae; Gryllinae; Landrevini)
Cole2017A new species of Megatibicen endemic to Mescalero-Monahans shinnery sands (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadidae)
Orsini, Da Costa, Szinwelski, Martins, Corrêa, Timm, Zefa2017A new species of Miogryllus Saussure, 1877 and new record of  Miogryllus piracicabensis Piza, 1960 (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) from State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with calling song and chromosome complement
Yin, Ji, Dai2017A new species of Mongolotettix Rehn, 1928 from Henan, China (Orthoptera: Acridoidea, Acrididae)
Ayal, Broza, Pener1974A new species of Phaneroptera Serville (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Southern Israel and Sinai with some data on its ecology
Machado, Martins, Da Costa, Gottschalk, de Oliveira, Redü, Neytzling, Vasconcellos, Zefa2015A new species of tree crickets Oecanthus (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Oecanthinae) in tobacco plantation from Southern Brazil, with body color variation
2014A new voice in the chorus
Iorgu, Iorgu, Szövényi, Orci2017A new, morphologically cryptic bush-cricket discovered on the basis of its song in the Carpathian Mountains (Insecta, Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae)
Ragge1976A putative hybrid in nature between Chorthippus brunneus and C. biguttulus (Orthoptera : Acrididae)
Sevgili, HELLER, Reinhold2008A re-assessment of the Poecilimon syriacus group (Orthoptera Tettigonioidea, Phaneropteridae) based on bioacoustics, morphology and molecular data
V. Vedenina, von Helversen2009A re-examination of the taxonomy of the Chorthippus albomarginatus group in Europe on the basis of song and morphology (Orthoptera: Acrididae).
Bailey, Richards1975A report on the insect fauna of the Prince Regent River Reserve, North-west Kimberley, Western Australia
Bailey1975A review of the African Species of the genus Ruspolia Schulthess [Orthoptera Tettigonioidea]
Desutter-Grandcolas, Robillard2004A revision of Neotropical Eneopterinae crickets (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Eneopteridae) with a phylogenetic discussion
Popple2017A revision of the Myopsalta crucifera (Ashton) species group (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettini) with 14 new species from mainland Australia
Pitkin1980A revision of the Pacific species of Conocephalus Thunberg (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae)
ROBILLARD, Grandcolas, Desutter-Grandcolas2007A shift toward harmonics for high-frequency calling shown with phylogenetic study of frequency spectra in Eneopterinae crickets (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Eneopteridae)
Adams1962A Stridulatory Structure in Chrysopidae
López, Hernández-Teixidor, Macías-Hernández, Juan, Oromí2013A taxonomic revision and species delimitation of the genus Purpuraria Enderlein, 1929 (Orthoptera: Pamphagidae) using an integrative approach
Dias, Rafael, Naskrecki2012A Taxonomic Revision of the Neotropical Genus Aegimia Stål, 1874 (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Phaneropterinae)
Pitkin1977A taxonomic study of the genus Thyridorhoptrum Rehn & Hebard (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), with the description of a new species
Mhatre, Robert2013A Tympanal Insect Ear Exploits a Critical Oscillator for Active Amplification and Tuning
Iorgu2012Acoustic analysis reveals a new cryptic bush–cricket in the Carpathian Mountains (Orthoptera, Phaneropteridae)
Wang, Zhang, Li, Ren2011Acoustic and Molecular Differentiation between Macropters and Brachypters of Eobiana engelhardti engelhardti (Orthoptera: Tettigonioidea)
Bell1979Acoustic attraction of herons by crickets
Lorier, Presa2002Acoustic behavior of Metaleptea adspersa (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Hartley, Robinson1976Acoustic behaviour of both sexes of the speckled bush cricket Leptophyes punctatissima
Forrest1982Acoustic communication and baffling behaviors of crickets
Blondheim1972Acoustic Communication and Differences in the Biology of Two Sibling Species of Grasshoppers, Acrotylus insubricus and A. patruelis
Dobai, Sivalinghem, Guedes, Yack2017Acoustic communication in the pine engraver bark beetle: do signals vary between behavioural contexts?
Schönrogge, Barbero, Casacci, Settele, Thomas2017Acoustic communication within ant societies and its mimicry by mutualistic and socially parasitic myrmecophiles
Sivinski, Burk, Webb1984Acoustic courtship signals in the Caribbean fruit fly, Anastrepha suspensa (Loew)
Latimer, Sippel1987Acoustic cues for female choice and male competition in Tettigonia cantans


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith