Basis of record: Preserved SpecimenInstitution code: NHMUKCollection code: BMNH(E)Catalogue number: 010211140Identified by: Dr David R. RaggeTaxonomic name: Acheta domesticus (Classification)Count: 1Lifestage: AdultOther catalogue numbers: BMNH(E)1980-488Sex: MaleLink to location: Recordings of this specimen/individual Recording name Recording 393:10 Acheta domesticus(355b) 394:2 Acheta domesticus(357b) 393:11 Acheta domesticus(356) 393:12 Acheta domesticus(356b) 393:8 Acheta domesticus(354b) 393:9 Acheta domesticus(355) 394:1 Acheta domesticus(357)