Myopsalta gordoni


Calling song (Fig. 12). A single recording has been obtained for this species (from Myall Park near Glenmorgan). The calling song contains regular long echemes (2.036–2.086 s duration), which are sometimes separated with at least one or two short echemes (each 0.055–0.097 s duration). The long and short echemes are separated by gaps of 0.362–0.726 s duration. Notably, the short echemes and the initial 0.087–0.101 s of the long echeme are produced at the same amplitude. However, the remainder of the long echeme drops abruptly in amplitude to one half to two thirds of the amplitude, as shown in Figure 12. Whilst the song contains apparent modulation it amplitude, it maintains a constant frequency plateau, which spans approximately 12.1–16.6 kHz.

It is anticipated that the female would produce a wing-flick response in the gaps after each short echeme; however no observations male-female courtship behaviour have been made for this species. [1]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith