Play / Pause Download Embed (Beta) Report data quality issue on this page via GitHub Vertical Tabs BasiqueProject: GCSC 1: South Africa and MalawiSpecies: Platypleura divisaSpecimen: MHV - Audio - 982 SourceOriginal CD Track Number: 982Original Verbatim Species: Platypleura divisa RecordingLocation: Africa: South Africa: Mpumalanga: R38 nr BarbertonRecorded by: Ben PriceDate Recorded: Vendredi, décembre 14, 2007 RightsLicense: CollectionsCollections: Other RepositoriesPublished Reference: Global Cicada Sound Collection I: Recordings from South Africa and Malawi by B. W. Price & M. H. Villet and harvesting of BioAcoustica data by GBIF Commentaires (No subject) Type: Voice IntroductionStart Time: 0End Time: 4.883033Analysis Onglets horizontauxOscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency (No subject) Type: Call (with extraneous noise)Start Time: 4.883033End Time: 26.4827Species: Platypleura divisaAnalysis Onglets horizontauxOscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency (No subject) Type: CallStart Time: 26.48277End Time: 34.58113Species: Platypleura divisaAnalysis Onglets horizontauxOscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency Dominant Frequency Data: dfreq_matrix111.txt AutreAcoustic Complexity Index: 152.31 (No subject) Type: Call (with extraneous noise)Start Time: 34.58113End Time: 60.4Species: Platypleura divisaAnalysis Onglets horizontauxOscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency (No subject) Type: CallStart Time: 3End Time: 4Analysis Onglets horizontauxOscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency Dominant Frequency Data: dfreq_matrix119.txt AutreAcoustic Complexity Index: 154.97
(No subject) Type: Voice IntroductionStart Time: 0End Time: 4.883033Analysis Onglets horizontauxOscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency
(No subject) Type: Call (with extraneous noise)Start Time: 4.883033End Time: 26.4827Species: Platypleura divisaAnalysis Onglets horizontauxOscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency
(No subject) Type: CallStart Time: 26.48277End Time: 34.58113Species: Platypleura divisaAnalysis Onglets horizontauxOscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency Dominant Frequency Data: dfreq_matrix111.txt AutreAcoustic Complexity Index: 152.31
(No subject) Type: Call (with extraneous noise)Start Time: 34.58113End Time: 60.4Species: Platypleura divisaAnalysis Onglets horizontauxOscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency
(No subject) Type: CallStart Time: 3End Time: 4Analysis Onglets horizontauxOscillogram Frequency Spectrum Spectrogram Dominant Frequency Dominant Frequency Data: dfreq_matrix119.txt AutreAcoustic Complexity Index: 154.97
(No subject)
Onglets horizontaux
(No subject)
Onglets horizontaux
(No subject)
Onglets horizontaux
(No subject)
Onglets horizontaux
(No subject)
Onglets horizontaux